Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Revival Hymn

A Man Called Norman


24-7 PrAYer LInkS

Prayer as a Movement: An introduction to 24-7 Prayer

Prayer as Community: Convers Community, Germany

Prayer as Mission: 24-7 Prayer Ibiza, Spain

Prayer as Justice: Kelly Greene in Boystown, Mexico

Prayer as Creativity: Tribe in Oklahoma, USA

A Recovering Ditto-head Speaks…

(Not that anyone cares but here a few thoughts….)]

Let me begin by saying, I have tasted the Kool-Aid. In college I listened to Rush Limbaugh daily. I read his books. I was a proud republican. I believe Tony Campolo has referred to himself as a “reluctant democrat, I am a “reluctant republican.” I fully recognize that what I am to say will offend everyone. My faith in God has caused me to define and in some instances re-define unique perspectives on several issues. Also, I would to preface this article by saying it is NOT intended as an attack on the republican party. It is an attack on the belief that the republican party speaks for God.

Let’s tackle the sensitive issues…

ISSUE #1 Abortion
I am 100% pro-life. This separates me from many visible republicans. I am so pro-life that it in many ways in non-negotiable to me. I find it odd that both first ladies in both Bush presidencies were pro-choice. However, George H.W. Bush was pro-choice until Reagan selected him to be vice-president. I know Reagan was persuasive but that’s impressive. Furthermore I am tired of the argument that “conservative” presidents are needed for “conservative” Supreme Court nominees. The reality is that of the nine Supreme Court Justices we have, six were nominated by republicans, and an additional 2 republican appointees have retired. The score is six to three and Roe v Wade still exists.

We try to ignore organizations like Republicans for Choice and Democrats for Life because they blur the lines of what we want to believe.

ISSUE #2 Intolerance
The word intolerance makes me nervous. Just as I can separate a Tennessee football fan’s allegiance to his team from the person, I believe we can separate what the Bible calls sin from the person. I believe we can truly love the sinner and hate the sin.

"Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell on the right."
—Senator John McCain

I am not a fan of Falwell or Robertson but I am a huge fan of their (our) God. Would McCain accuse me of being an agent of intolerance, too?

ISSUE #3 Hypocrisy
I find it interesting how the republicans were making an issue over every action of Hillary Clinton while ignoring the fact that Nancy Reagan consulted a psychic while in the White House. We examine every word and action of Obama and overlook McCain’s profanity.

Today several friends were posting on Facebook about Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts. These friends are pro-life conservatives who love seeing Kennedy’s seat going to a republican. The problem is they are more excited about the label he wears than the substance he brings. He believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, but refers to the currently legalized same-sex marriage in his state as a settled issue. He supports legalized abortion calling Roe v Wade the “law of the land.”

Am I a republican? Yes, reluctantly. They are the lesser of two evils. However, as a friends loves to say, “That still makes them evil.” While I am not ready to go that far…They are far from godly. I hate taxes and the proposed health care reform scares me, BUT those are not my main issues. Righteousness, Holiness, and Justice are my tripping points. As Christians, I believe, we must pay our taxes (AS JESUS DID) and live on a higher level than politics.