Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Take on the Emerging Church.

I have had several people ask me recently for my opinion on what some call the emerging church. I believe the Church that Jesus returns for is not the Church as we see it today. God will "grow us up" into a mature, spotless bride. Therefore, there will be changes.

What does scare me is change for the sake of change. I am tired of people trying to "package" God. I am weary of program-driven strategies for church growth. Culture-current has a nice ring, but maybe culture-relevant is more appropriate.

What I hunger for is a Church that encourages its singers to sing, its musicians to make music, its artists to draw, its dancers to dance, its writers to write. I dream of a place where believers can come and express love and adoration through the giftings that God has entrusted to them.

In my mind I hope the emphasis of the Church of today and tomorrow is God. I pray that man is secondary. Its not about how I can benefit from a "new and improved church," but how God may be glorified through it.

Please go to and read or listen to "The Lunatic Fringe" for more about what I see the Church becoming.

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