Sunday, June 15, 2008

Count Ludvig Nicklaus von Zinzendorf

Some people look at you like you're mad when you talk about praying non-stop for a week, a month or a year. But a crazy bunch of people called Moravians, living hundreds of years ago near Dresden in Germany, did something that makes 24-7 look tame. In fact it was a visit to their village 'Herrnhutt' in August 99 that really began the whole 24-7 prayer chain.

It all began on 13th August 1727. An amazing young leader (with the catchy name; Count Ludvig Nicklaus von Zinzendorf and a very dodgy haircut) had allowed a bunch of refugees to build a village on his land. But they began to argue and back-bight and after 5 years of this, Zinzendorf got fed up. He gathered them all together in the church building to apologise to one another, to break bread and to pray. You might expect this to be an amazing meeting, but it was a lot more than that...

As they confessed their sins to one another, the Spirit of God fell with incredible power upon them. So great was this outpouring that the prayer meeting continued for a hundred years without stopping. 24 men and 24 women determined that the flame of intercession should burn at the heart of their community continually, and so they divided themselves to pray in succession around the clock. The number of intercessors actually increased as the years rolled on, especially amongst the children, generating a power centre that radiated to the ends of the earth for more than a century.

More than 3000 evangelists were sent out from that small village in the 200 years following that momentous night, taking the gospel to most countries in Europe as well as the Americas, Asia and Africa. It seems likely that some of the Moravians even sold themselves into slavery in order to reach the West Indian slaves with the gospel. John Wesley was one of their many converts and 'Mad Moravians' aflame with the gospel, keep popping up in obscure contexts and far-flung countries like a delightful motif running through 18th Century missions.

It all goes to show what can happen when we pray... Some of you might just have started a prayer meeting that will never end!

-copied from

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